Wellness While Traveling

Travel can be unbalancing. Planes, trains, taxis, and changing time zones can leave some of us feeling ungrounded and knock off our circadian rhythms. It’s especially frustrating when we are either trying to relax during a vacation, enjoy…

Did you know? Yoga Therapy can help with depression

Depression comes in many forms. It can be mild or severe. We can feel it physically with the breath feeling shallow and the abdomen, chest, and shoulders tight. We can feel it emotionally with experiences ranging from lack of direction and purpose…

Loving Kindness Meditation

I've been thinking about kindness and the idea of defaulting to kindness? What if every time we were hard on ourselves, we didn't overthink it, we just told ourselves it was ok  - ok that we forgot to be somewhere, that we forgot to do something,…

Did you know? Yoga Therapy can help with IBS

IBS can cause cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. It often a chronic condition. Yoga therapy can be a great adjunct to professional treatments.  Working out my studio in Chapel Hill, NC and on Zoom, I help people…

5 Minute Meditation Practices

From now until January 1, I’m going to be posting a new 5 minute every day. You can do the meditations in order or you can mix them up. If you find one that you love, keep doing it. If you want to mix it up, do that. I’m hoping this is fun…

Joint Freeing Series

Our bones come together at the joints but we don’t always move our joints in their range of motion everyday. In honor of our joints, I’m sharing a yoga practice called The Joint Freeing Series. It is one of my favorite practices because…

Prana Nidra Meditation

Today I am sharing a 25 minute Prana Nidra Meditation. Prana Nidra is a type of Yoga Nidra where we focus on breath. Where a traditional Yoga Nidra asks us to notice the sensations of our body, our breath, our thoughts, our intellect, and our…
Well Outside Evolve Yoga Therapy Studio

Keeping Water in the Well

Whether we are teachers or parents - students or former students - we feel the fall approaching. For many of us the summer allows some lollygagging and the fall does not. Things speed up and there just isn't enough time to get it all done. It…

5 Kosha Yoga Nidra

As an iRest teacher and a yoga therapist, I use different types and different lengths of Yoga Nidra with my clients depending on their needs. Yoga Nidra is becoming a popular practice because: The recommended body position is lying…