About Melissa Russell

I didn’t always know that I wanted to be a yoga therapist. After earning an undergraduate degree in psychology and a masters degree in anthropology, I spent 20 years leading innovative teams in the world of publishing and educational technology.

My history

I also ran my own retail business in downtown Chapel Hill and travelled a lot for work – sometimes for months at a time. I have made 4 different places home — Boston, New York, San Francisco, and North Carolina. And, I have balanced all this with my responsibilities as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

Through all this I practiced, taught, and studied yoga. I have practiced yoga almost everyday since I was in my 20s using daily movement, breathing, and meditation practices to build resiliency. Knowing the practices helped me, I began to teach yoga to my colleagues at work (at one point in a glass walled board room). 4 years ago I left my corporate job and am now a working yoga therapist.

The present day

As yoga therapist, I work primarily one-on-one with people in my Chapel Hill Studio to alleviate pain and suffering due to a number of physical and mental conditions. I use movement, breath, meditation and lifestyle modifications to help people find better health and well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. I also teach a small number of group classes at Yoga Garden Pittsboro, Carolina House, as well as Veteran’s First.

I am certified yoga therapist; a 500 hour registered yoga teacher trained in ashtanga, anusara, and pelvic floor health; and an iRest level 2 meditation teacher.

Evolve Yoga Therapy is inspired by my belief that everyone has the power to evolve throughout their lives. We are not stuck being overwhelmed, stressed, and/or in mental or physical pain.